

What We Do

Build Churches

Distribute the Bible and hold evangelistic events

Support a Christian orphanage
How Does It Work?
A word from Dr. Wayne Wright: Chairman of Mission Vietnam
Imagine living in a country where you can’t tell others about your faith. In Vietnam the gospel can only be shared in churches. Although Vietnam has many capable Christian leaders and pastors, without a church they can’t legally preach, worship or evangelize.
Over the past 15 years and because of God’s love and with your financial support, Mission Vietnam has built over 25 churches (see our church map). Several churches in the U.S. have sponsored “sister churches.” Many other churches have been built with generous gifts from people like you. These churches, many of which are in ethnic areas, become a focal point for the community. Literally thousands of people in these communities have been invited, evangelized, saved and discipled. These churches become a social hub for the community and often see daily use for both children and adults. They provide a legal means for evangelism, training and fellowship.
Please pray about supporting this small but great part of THE Great Commission that Jesus asked all to participate in.
In His Service,
Wayne Wright
Chairman, Mission Vietnam